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How to Check Google Rankings: 10 Handy Tools


Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in January 2023 and was updated in December 2023 for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

If you don’t think your Google rank is important, think again.

However, if you don’t check your Google rankings, you won’t know where to focus your efforts to get more clicks and grow your organic traffic.

Read on to learn how to check Google rankings with a reliable Google ranking tool and discover the best tools for this purpose.

Why is it important to check your Google rankings?

To be the go-to result for people searching on Google, you need to hit that number one spot.

This is because the webpage that gets to the top of the search engine results page (SERP) is deemed to have the greatest authority. For search engine (SE) users, the result that reaches number one is most likely to be the correct or most useful answer to their query.

By conducting a Google ranking check, you understand the effort required to reach the top spot on Google’s search results and who you need to compete with.

But that’s not the only reason to check Google rankings.

Understanding your ranking position for a specific keyword gives you an idea of your target audience’s search intent and how well you meet those needs.

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